Si tienes guitarra electrica y no tienes con que distorsionarla prueba este programa. Amplitube 2, es una exelente herramienta para tonos de guitarra y produccion.
los minimos requerimientos son:
un procesador 1.33GHz PIII/ Athlon XP y 256Mb RAM.
(Nota: necesitaras instalar ASIO4ALL v2 , antes de Amplitube)Amplitube 2 is an amazing tool for guitar tones and production, it's an excellent alternative tool for when the traditional approach is not practical.
The minimum requirements are:
a 1.33GHz PIII/Athlon XP and 256MB of RAM.
I would however suggest that to run Amplitube 2 in a project with other plug-ins/software instruments would require a more powerful PC, certainly in terms of raw processor speed.
I would however suggest that to run Amplitube 2 in a project with other plug-ins/software instruments would require a more powerful PC, certainly in terms of raw processor speed.
(Note: you will need to install ASIO4ALL v2 before running Amplitube)
great post! it worked with guitar, great blog thanks.
ResponderEliminargrettings from Poland